Sasan earlier known as Shringavali is located in Singrauli, which is fast emerging as India’s energy capital. Sasan Ultra Mega Power Project also known as SUMPP is one of 9 Ultra Mega Power Project’s proposed by government of India.
Sasan earlier known as Shringavali is located in Singrauli, which is fast emerging as India’s energy capital. Sasan Ultra Mega Power Project also known as SUMPP is one of 9 Ultra Mega Power Project’s proposed by government of India.
The history of pashmina spans over centuries. Pashmina is made from a sub-species of Capra Hircus known as “Changhtangi” that thrives in the highlands of the Tibetan Plateau which stretches from Tibet all the way into Kashmir, India.
Pinkathon is more than a Marathon. It is the seed of change. It is the beginning of a movement carried forward by a growing community of empowered women across India,
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